OK baby boy #2, you are welcome to make your entrance any day. Although I'm not willing to try anything to make him come early, I would not be disappointed if he decided to come now. Or yesterday.
It's no secret to those who know me that I don't enjoy pregnancy. I don't feel like I'm glowing, and I'm not one of those women who would be pregnant ALL THE TIME if I could. I'll just take the baby, thank you. I love the baby part. The pregnancy part...while it's fascinating and all, it's just not my cup of tea.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful to be able to have a successful pregnancy. After being told that I may never be able to have biological children, being at the tail end of my second pregnancy is truly amazing to me. I love that the Dr was wrong, and soon I will have not one but TWO healthy baby boys to call my own. If you have been reading for a while, you know that we were in the process of filling out adoption paperwork when we found out that Finn was on his way.
But this second time around has been harder on me than the first time was. I'm more tired, I'm swollen, I'm achy...and I'm chasing an almost-2-year old around. Throw in that I've finally started working full time, and I just don't have anything left. Thankfully Finn is a GREAT independent player, and lets me rest with my feet up a lot to reduce this AWFUL, PAINFUL swelling that I've encountered in the third trimester. Seriously, my feet look like the Elephant Man. It's gross.
So, #2...we're waiting. Ready, willing, and waiting to get this show on the road and welcome you home. Even if big brother still has no idea that you're on your way. We're ready.